How It Works
my Personal Credit Advisor knows how important individual credit scores are for an individual to navigate success in the United States. We know that good credit vs bad credit is the difference between approval or denial in a mortgage, a car note, or a credit card application. my Personal Credit Advisor provides you with an opportunity to improve your credit by choosing to utilize our proven step-by-step process.
- Step 1: Credit Evaluation
- Step 2: Set a Goal
- Step 3. Get Results
Depending on the package you purchase, we challenge each bureau one time, two times, or three times. The overall objective is to improve your credit enough so that when you decide to buy a new home or car, or to rent an apartment, or apply for a credit card, you are approved with competitive rates. C
How it works
1. Credit Evaluation
Step 1 is to setup your account and provide us with copies of all 3 credit bureaus with scores, so we know our starting point.
2. Set a Goal
Your personal credit advisor will work diligently with you to fix your credit and raise your credit scores. Your advisor will develop a plan that will work for you. Once the plan has been explained, your questions answered, and your plan approved, the work begins.
3. Get Results
As soon as we evaluate all three of your credit reports with scores, and understand your goals, your personal credit advisor will begin challenging wrongfully reported items on each of the 3 bureaus. As soon as the challenge letters are mailed, we await the response.